Stanford Affiliates

Terry Karl's picture
Stanford University
Professor of Political Science; William and Gretchen Kimball University Fellow; Gildred Professor of Latin American Studies
comparative politics, political economy of development, international relations
Pamela Karlan's picture
Stanford University
Kenneth and Harle Montgomery Professor of Public Interest Law; Co-Director, Supreme Court Litigation Clinic
constitutional law, constitutional litigation, civil rights and antidiscrimination law, legal regulation of the political process, the Supreme Court
Roberta Katz's picture
Stanford University
Senior Research Scholar, Associate Vice President of Strategic Planning
Mark G. Kelman's picture
Stanford University
James C. Gaither Professor of Law; Vice Dean; Jurist
criminal law, property, anti-discrimination, income distribution policy
Daniel Philip Kessler's picture
Stanford University
David S. and Ann M. Barlow Professor in Management,Gradaute School of Business; Professor of Economics, Law and Policy in the Graduate School of Business; ; Professor of Health Research and Policy, School of Medicine
law and economics, industrial organization, economics of health care
Stanford University
Postdoctoral Scholar
poverty, employment, mental health, critical social theory
Michael Kirst's picture
Stanford University
President of the California State Board of Education, Emeritus Professor of Education, Emeritus Professor of Business Administration (by courtesy); Emeritus Professor of Political Science
state education reform efforts and educational outcomes, improving preparation of students for success at post-secondary education, high school reform
Stanford University
Assistant Professor of Sociology
economic sociology, cultural sociology, social inequality and stratification, qualitative methods
Jon A. Krosnick's picture
Stanford University
Frederic O. Glover Professor in Humanities and Social Sciences; Professor of Political Science; Professor of Communications; Professor of Psychology; Director of Stanford Summer Institute in Political Psychology; Director of Stanford Political Psychology
the psychology of political behavior, optimal design of questionnaires used for laboratory experiments and surveys
Teresa D. LaFromboise's picture
Stanford University
Professor of Education, Professor of Counseling Psychology; Member of Child Health Research Institute, School of Medicine
stress-related problems of ethnic minority youth, interpersonal influence in multicultural counseling, bicultural competence, ethnic identity and adolescent health
David Laitin's picture
Stanford University
Co-Director of Immigration Policy Lab, James T. Watkins IV and Elise V. Watkins Professor of Political Science
political culture, ethnic conflict, civil war
Advisory Board Member, Stanford IRiSS; Founder, Go To Girl Brazil
Advisory Board Member, Stanford IRiSS; President, Mil Kered, Inc.
Stanford University
Postdoctoral Scholar, Economics Department
market design, operations research, graph theory
Rachel Lotan's picture
Stanford University
Emeritus Professor of Education (Teaching)
teaching education, teaching and learning in heterogeneous classrooms, sociology of classrooms and schools
Brian Lowery's picture
Stanford University
The Walter Kenneth Kilpatrick Professor of Organizational Behavior; Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
non-conscious cognitive processing and decision making, interpersonal interaction and attitudes, social stereotyping and prejudice
Thomas E. MaCurdy's picture
Stanford University
Professor of Economics; Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
income transfer programs, health economics, labor economics, econometrics
Stanford University
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Hazel Markus's picture
Stanford University
Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration Research Group Leader; Davis-Brack Professor in the Behavioral Sciences; Director of Research Institute of Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity; Professor of Psychology
Cultural Psychology, Choice and Agency, Self and Identity, Race and Social Class, Well Being
Joanne Martin's picture
Stanford University
Fred H. Merrill Professor of Organizational Behavior (emerita); Professor of Sociology (by courtesy)
organizational culture, gender in organizations, gender equity
