Stanford Affiliates

Estelle B. Freedman's picture
Stanford University
Edgar E. Robinson Professor in US History; Member of Academic Council
history of sexuality in the US, lesbian history, history of sexual violence in America
Jeremy Freese's picture
Stanford University
Health Disparities Research Group Leader, Professor of Sociology
health, medical sociology, quantitative methods, social demography, social inequality and stratification, social psychology
Barbara Fried's picture
Stanford University
William W. and Gertrude H. Saunders Professor of Law
taxation, property, contacts, distributive justice
Victor Fuchs's picture
Stanford University
Henry J. Kaiser, Jr. Professor of Economics and of Health Research and Policy (Emeritus)
universal health coverage, determinants of healthcare spending, determinants of health
Thomas Geiser's picture
Advisory Board Member, Stanford IRiSS; Private Equity Advisor
Gopi Shah Goda's picture
Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR)
Deputy Director and Senior Fellow, SIEPR
public finance, retirement and savings
Mark Granovetter's picture
Stanford University
Joan Butler Ford Professor of Sociology; Joan Butler Ford Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences
origins and early development of electricity industry in US, economic sociology, social stratification, sociological theory
Avner Greif's picture
Stanford University
Professor of Economics; Bowman Family Endowed Professor in the Humanities and Sciences; Senior Fellow Stanford Institute for International Studies
institutional development and economic growth in pre-modern Europe, coercion and markets
David Grusky's picture
Stanford University
Faculty Director, Center on Poverty and Inequality; Edward Ames Edmonds Professor of Sociology
Stephen H. Haber's picture
Stanford University
A.A. and Jeanne Welch Milligan Professor in the School of Humanities and Science; Peter and Helen Bing Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution; Professor of Political Science; Professor of History; Professor of Economics
political instability, economic growth, regulation of banks and financial markets, industrial development
Advisory Board Member, Stanford IRiSS; Financial Controller, SV Tech Ventures
Stanford University
Assistant Professor of Sociology
urban sociology, race and ethnicity, immigration, and inequality
Stanford University
The Applied Econometrics Professor and Professor of Economics
econometrics, applied econometrics, financial economics, economic theory, statistics and probability theory
Miyako Inoue's picture
Stanford University
Associate Professor of Cultural and Social Anthropology
linguistic anthropology, anthropology of Japan, language and gender
Shanto Iyengar's picture
Stanford University
Harry and Norman Chandler Professor of Communication, Stanford University; Professor of Political Science
political communication, mass media effects, use of internet in politics and media
Stanford University
Assistant Professor of Sociology
social mobility, content analysis, education, quantitative analysis, stratification
Sarah S. Jain's picture
Stanford University
Assistant Professor of Cultural and Social Anthropology, Stanford University
science and technology studies, critical legal theory, violence and injury
Advisory Board Member, Stanford IRiSS; Vice President for Content and Chief Journalist, SmartNews
Tomás Jiménez's picture
Stanford University
Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration Research Group Leader; Director of Undergraduate Program on Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity; Director, Graduate Studies, Department of Sociology; Associate Professor of Sociology
immigration, assimilation, social mobility, ethnic and racial identity
Gavin Jones's picture
Stanford University
Professor of English; Frederick P. Rehmus Family Professor of the Humanities
representation of poverty in US literature
