National & International Affiliates

Harvard University
Reischauer Institute Professor of Sociology
gender stratification, labor markets, education, economic sociology, Japanese society.

Teachers College, Columbia University
Virginia and Leonard Marx Professor of Child and Parent Development Education; Professor of Pediatrics, College of Physicians & Surgeons; Co-director, National Center for Children & Families
early childhood interventions and education, adolescent transitions and development, neighborhoods and poverty, growing up female, child and family policy and programs

University of California, Los Angeles
Professor of Sociology
social theory, immigration, citizenship, nationalism, ethnicity

New York University at Abu Dhabi
Vice Provost for Faculty Diversity; Professor and Program Head, Social Research and Public Policy
gender inequality, quantitative methodology, occupational choices, career and family formation

West Virginia University
Vice President for Global Strategies and International Affairs; Eberly Family Distinguished Professor of History
comparative historical sociology, political sociology, social movements

University of California, Los Angeles
Professor of Economics
theoretical and applied econometrics, labor economics, public finance, health economics, applied microeconomics

University of Zurich
Professor, Soziologisches Institut
sociology of the lifecourse, sociology of work, social change, social stratification and mobility, sociology of culture

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Norman B. Ryder Professor of Sociology, Emeritus; Member, US National Academy of Sciences
demography and ecology, family, aging and the life course

University of California, Berkeley
Professor of Sociology
cross-national differences in industrial workplaces, nature of postcolonialism, organization of consent to capitalism, forms of working class consciousness, work organization in state socialism, transition from state socialism to capitalism

University of Michigan
Associate Professor of Sociology and Epidemiology; Research Associate Professor, Population Studies Center; Director of Graduate Studies
social disparities in health, maternal and child health, life course

The London School of Economics and Political Science
Professor of Economics; Director, International Growth Centre; Economic Organisation and Public Policy Programme Co-Director, STICERD; Program Director, CEPR Development Economics Program
development economics, public economics, political economy, labor economics, environmental economics

Duke University
Poverty Research Group Leader, Dean of the Social Sciences
poverty and intergenerational family dynamics in both rural and urban environments

University of Pennsylvania
George W. Taylor Professor of Management; Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research; Director, Center for Human Resources
human resource practices, talent and performance management, public policy related to employment

University of California, Berkeley
Labor Markets Research Group Leader, Class of 1950 Professor of Economics; Director of the Labor Studies Program at the National Bureau of Economic Research; Director, Center for Labor Economics (CLE); Director, Econometrics Laboratory (EML)
immigration, wages, education, and health insurance

UC Berkeley
Dean and Professor, Graduate School of Education
race, class and gender, sociology of education, urban poverty and social policy, culture and identity

Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce & UNITE-LA
Vice President, Research and Evaluation, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce & UNITE-LA; Adjunct Professor, San Diego State University
social inequality, labor markets and work, gender, race and ethnicity, immigration

UCL Institute of Education
Professor of Quantitative Social Science
sociology of the life course, social stratification and mobility, lifestyle and cultural consumption

Harvard University
Malcolm Wiener Professor of Social Policy, Director of Health Policy Research
civil rights and labor markets, medical malpractice litigation and health care delivery, economics of neonatal health and cardiovascular care

University of California, Berkeley
Assistant Professor of Social Welfare
poverty and inequality, social safety net programs, unemployment and labor studies