Vice Provost for Faculty Diversity; Professor and Program Head, Social Research and Public Policy
New York University at Abu Dhabi
Hannah Brückner works on a wide range of topics related to the life course, inequality, health, gender and sexuality. She is the author of Gender Inequality in the Life Course and has published numerous chapters and articles about gender inequality in the labor force and in retirement, the integration of women in academic workplaces and adolescent health and sexual behavior. Findings from her research with Peter Bearman on adolescent health and sexual behavior were featured in news media across the US, including the New York Times and 60 Minutes. The Washington Post, National Public Radio, as well as many online news outlets reported on an article co-authored with Kathryn Himmelstein, published in the journal Pediatrics, on institutional sanctions against sexual minority youth. She is an expert in the design and analysis of survey data, with a focus on methods for collecting and analyzing longitudinal data.