National & International Affiliates
Northwestern University
Assistant Professor of Sociology; Institute for Policy Research Faculty Fellow
Stratification and Social Inequality, work and occupations, health
The Urban Institute
Family Research Group Leader; Director of Center on Labor, Human Services, and Population
divorce laws, child support policy, child care policy, taxes, family formation and dissolution
University of California, Berkeley
Professor; Associate Dean of the Division of Social Sciences
organizations, social stratification, inequality, economic sociology, quantitative methods
Harvard University
Henry Lee Shattuck Professor of Government, Director, Program on Education Policy and Governance; Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University; Senior Editor of Education Next
school voucher programs, school choice, educational policy, new federalism
University of Texas-Austin
Professor of Sociology; Faculty Affiliate, Population Research Center
social inequality, race and ethnicity, gender, labor markets, research methods
Columbia University
McVickar Professor of Political Economy; Director of the Center on Capitalism and Society
causes and cures of joblessness and low wages among disadvanaged workers
Binghamton University
University Distinguished Professor; IZA Research Fellow
labor economics, human capital and income distribution, econometrics
Freie Universität Berlin
Head of the National Educational Panel Study: Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning, Social Science Research Center; Professor of Sociology, Freie Universität Berlin
social mobility in a comparative perspective, measures of social class, social inequality in higher education
University of Geneva
Professor of Comparative Politics
comparative politics, labor market institutions and welfare states, wage inequality, income distribution, redistributive policies
University of Miami and Princeton University
Research Professor of Sociology; Member, Postdoctoral Fellowship Selection Committee, National Academy of Education; Member, Center For Research and Analysis of Migration, University College of London
enthnic enclaves, informal economics, immigrants and immigration, children of immigrants
The University of Chicago
W. Allen Wallis Professor of Economics
empirical information economics, personnel economics, corporate finance, economics of organization
Princeton University
Alexander Stewart 1886 Professor of Psychology, Dean of Faculty
gender, intergroup relations, persuasio and social influence, prejudice and sterotyping
University of Pennsylvania
Professor of Sociology
social demography, race and ethnicity, demography of aging
Columbia University
Director for the Laboratory of Intergroup Relations and the Social Mind; Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology; Research Fellow at the Institute for Research on African-American Studies
stigma and intergroup processes, race, gender, prejudice, stereotyping
University of Washington
Professor of Statistics and Sociology
Baysian statistics, model selection, model-based clustering, spatial statistics, social mobility
University of California, Berkeley
Professor of Public Policy; James D. Marver Chair in Public Policy
low-wage labor markets, housing, economics of crime and corrections, social consequences of incarceration
The Urban Institute
Senior Fellow; Co-Director of the Opportunity and Ownership Initiative