National & International Affiliates

Victor Nee's picture
Cornell University
Frank and Rosa Rhodes Professor of Sociology; Director of the Center for the Study of Economy and Society
economic sociology, new institutional analysis, stratification/inequality, immigration/race
Magnus Nermo's picture
Stockholm University
Professor of Sociology; Head of the Sociology Department; Associate Researcher at the Swedish Institute for Social Research
stratification and segregation gender and social class, paid and unpaid family labor
David Neumark's picture
University of California, Irvine
Founding Director, Economic Self-Sufficiency Policy Research Institute (ESSPRI); Chancellor’s Professor of Economics; Research Associate, NBER; Research Fellow, IZA; Director, Center for Economics & Public Policy
race, wage inequality, affirmative action, minimum wage and poverty
Martha Nussbaum's picture
University of Chicago
Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics
gender and social justice
Michael Olneck's picture
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Professor Emeritus of Educational Policy Studies and Sociology
sociology of education, public policy and education, race, ethnicity, and education, multiculturalism in education, stratification and education
Michael Omi's picture
University of California, Berkeley
Professor of Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies
social construction of race and racial categories, structural racism and anti-racist movements, the sociology of Asian Americans.
Anthony M. Orum's picture
University of Illlinois at Chicago
Professor of Sociology
cities, qualitative and historical analysis, immigration, ethnicity, politics
Ann Owens's picture
University of Southern California
Assistant Professor of Sociology and Spatial Sciences
urban sociology, sociology of education, social stratification, social policy, quantitative analysis, Spatial Analysis
Office of Senator Elizabeth Warren
Retirement and Economic Policy Advisor
Brown University
Assistant Professor of Sociology and Urban Studies; Postdoctoral Scholar, Institute for Research in the Social Sciences
Marianne Page's picture
University of California, Davis
Professor of Economics; Deputy Director, Center for Poverty Research; Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research
labor economics, public finance, economic mobility
Devah Pager's picture
Harvard University
Professor of Sociology, Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School
racial differences in income, housing, and jobs, criminal background and labor market inequality
Ray Pahl's picture
University of Essex
family, division of labor, friendship
Jan Pakulski's picture
University of Tasmania
Dean of Arts and Professor Emeritus of Sociology
social class, globalization, social theory, lifestyles and consumption practices
Toby L. Parcel's picture
North Carolina State University
Professor of Sociology
sociology of work, work and family, social stratification
Domenico Parisi's picture
Mississippi State University
Executive Director, National Strategic Planning & Analysis Research Center; Executive Director of the State Longitudinal Data System State Data Clearinghouse; Professor of Sociology
Mary Pattillo's picture
Northwestern University
Harold Washington Professor of Sociology and African American Studies
race and ethnicity, urban sociology, ethnographic methods, poverty and policy
Francisco Pedraza's picture
University of California, Riverside
Assistant Professor of Public Policy & Political Science
marginalized communities, minorities, immigrant groups
David Pedulla's picture
Harvard University
Discrimination Research Group Leader; Assistant Professor of Sociology
race and gender stratification, labor markets, economic and organizational sociology, and experimental methods
Andrew Penner's picture
University of California, Irvine
Associate Professor of Sociology
Children, education, gender, earnings inequality, ethnicity and race
