




Are Latino Immigrants a Burden to Safety Net Services in Non-Traditional Immigrant States? Lessons from Oregon

The significant growth of the Latino population in the midst of an economic recession has invigorated anti-Latino, anti-immigrant sentiments in many US states. One common misconception is that Latino immigrants are a burden to safety net services. This may be particularly true in nontraditional immigrant states that have not historically served Latino immigrants. Oregon data suggest that despite a higher prevalence of poverty, use of safety net services among Latino immigrants in Oregon is lower than that among non-Latino Whites.

Reducing Poverty in California...Permanently

What if we decided to go beyond the usual lip-service commitments to reducing poverty and actually tried to do something big? Learn more about a new plan to reduce poverty—substantially and permanently—in California.

Coming of Age in the Other America

Recent research on inequality and poverty has shown that those born into low-income families, especially African Americans, still have difficulty entering the middle class, in part because of the disadvantages they experience living in more dangerous neighborhoods, going to inferior public schools, and persistent racial inequality. Coming of Age in the Other America shows that despite overwhelming odds, some disadvantaged urban youth do achieve upward mobility.

Politics, Strategy, and the Future of the SPM

David Johnson, Deputy Director of PSID, speaks at the March 2016 conference, Measuring Poverty in the 21st Century.

Should State SPMs be Centralized?

Urban Institute senior fellow Laura Wheaton speaks at the March 2016 conference, Measuring Poverty in the 21st Century.

Implementing the SPM in the ACS

Trudi Renwick — Assistant Division Chief, Economic Characteristics, Social, Economic and Housing Statistics Division, U.S. Census Bureau — speaks at the March 2016 conference, Measuring Poverty in the 21st Century.


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