
Debate: Does Philanthropy Shortchange the Poor?

The Center hosts regular debates on trends in poverty and inequality, the future of poverty and inequality, and how poverty and inequality might be reduced.


  • Robert Reich, Associate Professor of Political Science, Stanford University
  • Kenneth Prewitt, Carnegie Professor of Public Affairs, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University

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Debate: Why Do the Poor Get Sick?

The Center hosts regular debates on trends in poverty and inequality, the future of poverty and inequality, and how poverty and inequality might be reduced.


  • Sir Michael Marmot, Director, International Institute for Society and Health; Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College of London
  • Ralph Catalano, Associate Dean and Professor of Law, University of California - Berkeley

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The Impact of Early Experience on Childhood Brain Development: Ruth Kagi

On April 13, 2010, the Center on Children and Families at Brookings and the Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality at Stanford University sponsored an event that focused on the science of early brain development and the role that chronic stress early in life plays in the arrested development of children raised in risky situations. The policy implications of these and similar findings were discussed. This segment features the Honorable Ruth Kagi, Representative, 32nd District, Washington State Legislature.

The Impact of Early Experience on Childhood Brain Development: Jack Shonkoff

On April 13, 2010, the Center on Children and Families at Brookings and the Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality at Stanford University sponsored an event that focused on the science of early brain development and the role that chronic stress early in life plays in the arrested development of children raised in risky situations. The policy implications of these and similar findings were discussed. This segment features Jack P.

A Hand Up

Poverty Traps

The Culture of Poverty

Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation

How to Improve Poverty Measurement in the United States

Poverty in America: Trends and Explanations


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