A webinar examining how social movements have redefined public space, articulated social justice issues in artistic form, and defied long-standing icons and monuments.
Friday, November 13, 12pm
Find out about upcoming events related to poverty and inequality at Stanford.
A webinar examining how social movements have redefined public space, articulated social justice issues in artistic form, and defied long-standing icons and monuments.
Friday, November 13, 12pm
A webinar exploring how art and politics work together to reimagine social space, belonging, and power in public spaces and campuses. RSVP here.
Tuesday, November 6, 12:00 PM
A conference seeking to understand convulsions of hysteria, politics and performance strategies in light of the upcoming presidential election.
Thursday, October 29, 3pm
An interdisciplinary panel of Stanford faculty members discuss the ramifications of income inequality. RSVP here.
Tuesday, October 6, 12:30 PM
A multidisciplinary virtual conference that brings together researchers, school leaders, and local policymakers to discuss how schools can support students during the pandemic. Register here.
Thursday, August 27, 8:00am
Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, discusses the challenges of fiscal policy in the COVID-19 economy. RSVP here.
Tuesday, July 21, 12pm
A virtual event featuring Stanford faculty addressing the Chinese government's response to the pandemic and how it impacted urban and rural employment and the health care sectors. Register here.
Friday, May 15, 10:30am
A virtual event with CPI affiliate Nick Bloom. RSVP here.
Tuesday, May 12, 5:00pm
Sarah Broom, author of The Yellow House and winner of the 2019 National Book Award, reads from her work and discusses how its blend of memoir, journalism, and historical analysis can help us understand ourselves and our country. RSVP required.
Wednesday, February 12, Cubberley Auditorium, 7:30 pm
Critically-acclaimed writer and Yale Law School graduate Reginald Dwayne Betts speaks about his trek from incarceration to Yale and the role that grit, perseverance, and literature played in his success.
Tuesday, February 11, Levinthal Hall, Humanities Center, 4:00 p.m.
Rediet Abebe, a Junior Fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows, discusses algorithmic and computational techniques to develop two types of interventions, one that takes the form of allocating scarce societal resources and another that takes the form of improving access to information.
Monday, February 3, Fujitsu Conference Room, Gates Building 403, 1:00pm
Martha Ryan, Executive Director of Homeless Prenatal Program (HPP), discusses the work of the HPP, the issues facing the low-income and homeless families with which they've worked, and what she sees as some of the most promising pathways forward.
Thursday, January 30, Studio 40, McClatchy Hall, 4:00pm
Young Women’s Freedom Center (YWFC) Executive Director Jessica Nowlan and Research Director Alezandra Melendrez share the work YWFC does, the policies their organization has pushed through, and the pressing issues they’re currently working to change.
Thursday, January 23, Studio 40, McClatchy Hall, 4:00pm
Michael Henry Adams, a Harlem-based architectural and cultural historian, an activist for historic preservation, and tour guide takes us into the Harlem depicted in Jordan Casteel’s paintings and describes the threat gentrification poses to black culture and agency by uprooting and displacing people of color from places like Harlem and Oakland.
Wednesday, January 22, Cantor Arts Center, 4:30pm
Drug Policy Alliance founder Ethan Nadelmann discusses his advocacy for legalizing marijuana, ending mass incarceration and treating drug use and addiction as matters of health rather than criminal justice, as well as his vision for future drug policy reform.
Tuesday, January 21, Stanford Law School, Room 180, 12:45pm