
Sexual Orientation and Labor Market Discrimination

Self-Reported Sexual Orientation and Earnings: Evidence from California

The Nexus of Sexual Orientation and Gender in the Determination of Earnings

Who's "In" and Who's "Out": State Fragmentation and the Struggle over Gay Rights, 1974-1999

An Empirical Analysis of Homosexual/Heterosexual Male Earnings Differentials: Unmarried and Unequal?

Racial, Educational and Religious Endogamy in the United States: A Comparative Historical Perspective

Social Boundaries and Marital Assimilation: Interpreting Trends in Racial and Ethnic Intermarriage

Guess Who’s Been Coming to Dinner? Trends in Interracial Marriage over the 20th Century

Residential Segregation and Interracial Friendship in Schools

Racial Segregation and the Black–White Test Score Gap


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