Measurement and Methodology

Winds of Change

Relatively Deprives

On the Measurement of Inequality

Occupational Grading and Occupational Prestige

Measuring Economic Distress in San Francisco

Collaboration for Poverty Research Associate Director Christopher Wimer and CPI graduate fellow Emily Ryo present a new working paper on economic distress in San Francisco: the "San Francisco Distress Index," developed with support from the San Francisco Foundation and New America Media, shows that economic distress in San Francisco has nearly doubled since the beginning of the Great Recession, and stands well higher today than in the months and years following the dot-com bust.

Measures of Income Segregation

In this paper I propose a class of measures of rank-order segregation, each of which may be used to measure segregation by a continuous (but not necessarily interval-scaled) variable, such as income. These rank-order segregation indices have several appealing features that remedy flaws in existing measures of income segregation. First, the measures are insensitive to rank-preserving changes in the income distribution.

Fighting Hunger in San Francisco and Marin: An Analysis of Missing Meals and the Food Landscape over the Great Recession

Estimating Poverty Thresholds in San Francisco: An SPM-Style Approach

Developing Monthly Poverty Estimates Based on the Monthly Current Population Survey Labor Force Public Use Files: A Report on Methods and Results

CPR's social policy laboratory on Poverty Measurement presents a new working paper by Barbara Bergmann and John Coder that attempts to estimate an experimental new monthly poverty measure.



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