Measurement and Methodology

Estimating the Intergenerational Elasticity of Expected Income with Short-Run Income Measures: A Generalized Error-in-Variables Model

The intergenerational income elasticity (IGE), ubiquitously estimated in the economic mobility literature, has been misinterpreted as pertaining to the expectation of children’s income when it actually pertains to its geometric mean. The (implicit) reliance on the geometric mean to index conditional income distributions greatly hinders the study of gender and marriage dynamics in intergenerational processes, and leads to IGE estimates affected by substantial selection biases.

The Intergenerational Elasticity of What? The Case for Redefining the Workhorse Measure of Economic Mobility

The intergenerational elasticity (IGE) has been assumed to refer to the expectation of children’s income when in fact it pertains to the geometric mean of children’s income. We show that mobility analyses based on the conventional IGE have been widely misinterpreted, are subject to selection bias, and cannot disentangle the “channels” underlying intergenerational persistence. The solution to these problems—estimating the IGE of expected income or earnings—returns the field to what it has long meant to estimate.

Measuring Social Class with Changing Occupational Classifications: Reliability, Competing Measurement Strategies, and the 1970-1980 U.S. Classification Divide

Periodic changes in occupational classifications make it difficult to obtain consistent measures of social class over time, potentially jeopardizing research on class-based trends. The severity of this problem depends, in part, on the measurement strategies used to address those changes.

Methodological Issues in the Analysis of Residential Preferences, Residential Mobility, and Neighborhood Change

This paper reviews methods for analyzing both individual preferences and choices about where to live, and the implications of these choices for residential patterns.

Poor Relatively Speaking

The Dimensions of Residential Segregation

A Methodological Analysis of Segregation Indexes

The American Occupational Structure

On the Measurement of Poverty

On the Measurement of Inequality


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