Politics and Political Economy




A Very Uneven Playing Field: Economic Mobility in the United States

We present results from a new data set, the Statistics of Income Mobility Panel, that has been assembled from tax and other administrative sources to provide evidence on economic mobility and persistence in the United States. This data set allows us to take on the methodological problems that have complicated previous efforts to estimate intergenerational earnings and income elasticities. We find that the elasticities for women’s income, men’s income, and men’s earnings are as high as all but the highest of the previously reported survey-based estimates.

A New Social Contract

Sustaining Workers’ Bargaining Power in an Age of Globalization

No Holds Barred

Egalitarian Capitalism: Jobs, Incomes, and Growth in Affluent Countries

Recasting Egalitarianism: New Rules for Communities, States and Markets

The Democratic Class Struggle


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