
Men and Women of the Corporation

Securing Prosperity

Internal Labor Markets and Manpower Analysis

Manufacturing Consent: Changes in the Labor Process under Monopoly Capitalism

Explaining the Gender Gap in Charitable Giving

Relative to other industrialized, Western nations, the United States is uniquely reliant on nongovernmental organizations to provide public goods, including relief services for the poor. Research on charitable provision, however, finds a consistent gender gap in Americans' giving, with women bearing a significantly greater share of the burden than men. Here we investigate what explains gender differences in giving and what can counteract the pattern by increasing men's giving.

Charitable Giving and the Great Recession

Americans have long been, and continue to be, a famously charitable people. Whereas Europeans have well-developed and comprehensive welfare states, the United States has always relied more on private charity to support a multitude of causes, including aid and assistance to the poor.





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