Discrimination and Prejudice





Redesigning, Redefining Work

The demands of today’s workplace—long hours, constant availability, selfsacrificial dedication—do not match the needs of today’s workforce, where workers struggle to reconcile competing caregiving and workplace demands. This mismatch has negative consequences for gender equality and workers’ health. Here, the authors put forth a call to action: to redesign work to better meet the needs of today’s workforce and to redefine successful work.

Why Status Matters for Inequality

To understand the mechanisms behind social inequality, this address argues that we need to more thoroughly incorporate the effects of status—inequality based on differences in esteem and respect—alongside those based on resources and power. As a micro motive for behavior, status is as significant as money and power. At a macro level, status stabilizes resource and power inequality by transforming it into cultural status beliefs about group differences regarding who is “better” (esteemed and competent).

Debate: What Should Be Done About Discrimination by Beauty?

The Center hosts regular debates on trends in poverty and inequality, the future of poverty and inequality, and how poverty and inequality might be reduced.


  • Deborah Rhode, Ernest W. McFarland Professor of Professor of Law, Stanford University
  • Richard T. Ford, George E. Osborne Professor of Law, Stanford University

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Sex Discrimination in Restaurant Hiring: An Audit Study

Will Affirmative Action Policies Eliminate Negative Stereotypes?

The Economics of Racism


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